The seven ensigns of creation

O rise Seventh angel !
For on thy table I shall dispose the signs
Each days will be presented in front of my eyes
Assimilated to unlock the doors of my mind.

Wonder through the puzzle given
my enigma shall be revealed clockwise
enlightened and empty inside.

"The reconstruction is to be seen wit and wise�"

�to the Realm yet to be seen
with the Lord to another realm to be conquered
to the Realm yet to be seen�
my flesh is the key to unlock the door

Powerful in the exaltation of Princes thou shall be
and thy influence through nobility will then be complete
by Earth, wind, water and Fire.
Perform the trades as the gate opens�.

�to the Realm yet to be seen
with the Lord to another realm to be conquered
to the Realm yet to be seen�
my flesh is the key to unlock the door