Route 66 Libertarian Loneliness

Days pass
Fast lights cross my destiny
Wild straights on the road, dangerous curves
Dubious gale
Destinies intertwine and disconnect, and disconnect
Staying and leaving. staying and leaving, staying and leaving
A bar on route 66, one more drink

I sing and play the guitar, my songs, my loneliness
Oh baby, baby, hold me, warm hug
On this cold, cold night, baby, baby, baby
My hair protects me is my armor
My hair my armor
My steps lead me

Routes arise, routes arise
Directions, dreams, victories, successes
Hits, hits baby

On this cold night
On the guitar strings my loneliness, my loneliness
On this cold night, on this cold night routes appear
Directions, dreams, victories, successes
Oh baby, baby, baby, oh baby, darling
Hold me, hold me, hold me please
Hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me please
Oh darling, darling, darling please
Days pass

Fast lights cross my destiny
Destinies intertwined and disconnect
Intertwined and disconnect

Stay or go?
I go, oh baby, baby
Because sometimes you have to decide, let and go
This is a hard choice but I will
I go