
7 - Moonshine
9 - Dead Love
12 - Infectious
21 - Lady Lust
22 - Armageddon
25 - Swarm
26 - Blood Sky
28 - Rip Ride
29 - Rise
30 - Muscle
32 - Assassin
35 - Civilised
36 - Pain
37 - Mortals
38 - Cry Wolf
40 - Eruptus
44 - Hellbent
45 - Acid
46 - Loaded
50 - Clarisse
54 - Voyeur
55 - Evil Law
59 - Firelight
63 - Die Hard
64 - Women
67 - Manitou
68 - Playtime
70 - Sin
71 - The Ark
73 - Parasite
76 - Thirteen
77 - Metal Punk
79 - Warhead
80 - Bleeding
82 - Ouverture
88 - I Agree
89 - Genocide
90 - Flytrap
93 - Poison
94 - Venom
99 - Fire
100 - Gypsy
101 - Rege Satanas
102 - Powerdrive
105 - Crucified
107 - Schizo
108 - Smoke
109 - Tribes
110 - Possessed
112 - Mystique
114 - Blessed Dead
115 - Hammerhead
116 - Sacrifice
117 - Civilized
118 - Vengeance
119 - Hell
120 - Domus Mundi
121 - Carnivorous
122 - Nemesis
124 - Blood Lust
126 - Pandemonium
128 - Maleficarvm
130 - Arachnid
131 - Nightmare
133 - Hand Of God
136 - Wolverine
138 - FOAD
139 - Cursed
143 - The Evil One
144 - Woman
147 - Hellchild
149 - Aaaaaaarrghh
151 - Black Xmas
153 - Bloodlust
155 - Deadline
157 - Leviathan
158 - Krakin Up
159 - Shadow King
160 - School Daze
163 - Temptation
172 - Burn In Hell
173 - Bursting Out
175 - Acid Queen
176 - Buried Alive
178 - Resurrection
179 - Bitch Witch
182 - Notorious
186 - Beggarman
191 - Speed King
193 - Antechrist
197 - Prime Evil