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1 -
Obesidade Morbida
2 -
Execu��o Fetal
3 -
Fodendo Na Sala de Aut�psia
4 -
Inocentes Anjos Canibais
5 -
Aniquila��o Macabra
6 -
Far Beyond Blood and Death
7 -
Medicinal Slaughter
8 -
Corporal Sores
9 -
Killed By Strangulation
10 -
The Last Pulsation
11 -
Welcome To The Gore Show
12 -
Return To Cum
13 -
Silent Suffering
14 -
Regurgitation Maggots
15 -
Prazer Em Torturar
16 -
Pieces Of Flesh And Blood
17 -
Rotten Flesh Reanimated
18 -
19 -
A Dor da Imortal Putrefa��o
20 -
Convent Possession
21 -
Damned Worms
22 -
Espet�culo de Horror e Tortura
23 -
Satisfa��o em Costurar um Corpo Retalhado Com Arame Farpado
24 -
Witness The Horror
25 -
26 -
Terror Morte e Antropofagia
27 -
Stab In The Head
28 -
Watching her Bleed
29 -
Grotesque Disfigurement Of Human Bodies
30 -
Killing, Deforming And Skinned
31 -
Profecias de Um Psicopata Carniceiro
32 -
For God, Your Soul... For Zombie, Your Flesh